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SRB debates: home-host issues in the banking sector

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Delve into home-host issues in the banking sector with our high-level panel at the SRB Debates event, taking place on Tuesday, 23 November 2021. 


The event will also be livestreamed on our Twitter and YouTube channels.

Follow the conversations that take place online through Twitter using #SRBdebates2021.



Former Chair at Single Resolution Board

Elke Koenig was Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) from its establishment to January 2023. Prior to this, she was President of the German...

Single Resolution Board

Mr Sebastiano Laviola joined the SRB in 2019, taking charge of resolution strategy and cooperation. This brief covers a range of cross-cutting issues...

Tobias Troeger
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE

Professor Dr. Tobias Tröger is the Director for the Cluster of Law & Finance at the Leibniz...


2021-05-21 Melinda Crane.jpg

Melinda Crane has given speeches and moderated events and discussions for a wide range of international organizations and firms. She is a frequent...


10:30 - 10:35 Introduction
Moderator: Melinda Crane  
10.35 - 10:40 Elke König, Chair, Single Resolution Board
10:40 - 11:30

Panel discussion

  • Sasha Mills, Executive Director, Resolution Directorate, Bank of England
  • David Livingstone, CEO EMEA, Citi
  • Tobias Tröger, Director for the Cluster of Law & Finance, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE
  • Sebastiano Laviola, Board Member, Single Resolution Board
11:30 - 11:40 Q&A with audience
11:40 - 11:45 Closing remarks