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Press releases |
  • Changes include references to new frameworks and provisions, such as DORA and the EBA Guidelines on improving resolvability
  • These updates consolidate the general approach taken by the SRB, with some clarifications, but do not change it

The SRB today...

Press releases |

The SRB has today opened a consultation on the operational guidance for banks on resolvability self-assessment. The consultation is part of the SRM Vision 2028 strategy to ensure that European banks are equipped for the future and crisis-ready, based on a...

Press releases |
  • The template has been designed to facilitate the execution of a bail-in decision should a bank fail, or for use in testing exercises;

  • It was produced following a public consultation earlier this year, and banks have 12 to 18 months to put it in place as...

Press releases |

Today, the SRB publishes a communication on the changes to its MREL policy to be implemented in line with the Daisy Chains Act, which was adopted earlier this year. 

This Act allows resolution authorities more flexibility in setting internal minimum...

Press releases |
  • This will include expectations on valuation data and playbooks.

  • Consultation to be carried out in 2025.

The Single Resolution Board is developing and updating its expectations for banks on valuation capabilities.

Bank valuation is a key tool for effective...

Press releases |

The European Commission, in consultation with the Single Resolution Board (SRB), has launched the process to select and appoint three new Board Members.

The terms of office for the Board Members appointed in 2020, which are not renewable under the Single...

Press releases |
  • Multi-Annual Plan sets out priorities and activities over the next five years, based on the SRM Vision 2028 strategy.
  • The SRM will increase its focus on crisis management and readiness, the operationalisation of all resolution tools, and the implementation...
Press releases |
  • The SRB is extending the deadline for the minimum bail-in data template (MBDT) public consultation to 15 May 2024, offering stakeholders additional time to contribute and provide feedback

On 13 March 2024, the SRB launched a public consultation on the...

Press releases |
  • Karen Braun-Munzinger to succeed Sebastiano Laviola as Director of Resolution Policy Development and Coordination in May

The SRB welcomes the appointment of Karen Braun-Munzinger as Member of the Board and Director of Resolution Policy Development and...

Press releases |
  • The consultation gathers views from industry and other stakeholders to inform the adoption of the minimum bail-in data template.
  • The consultation is open from 13 March 2024 to 8 May 2024.

The Single Resolution Board launched today a public consultation on...

1 - 25 of total 164 results shown