- Sasha Mills was a speaker at the SRB Conference 2018, 2019 and 2021
Sasha Mills is Executive Director of the Resolution Directorate. In this capacity, she advances the Bank’s priorities on financial stability- aimed at ensuring that UK banks, building societies, investment firms and central counterparties can be placed in resolution in the event of their failure, without risk to the wider financial system or to public funds. Sasha joined the Resolution Directorate in 2018 from the Bank's Prudential Policy Directorate, where she was Director of Cross Cutting and Insurance Policy.
Sasha has extensive experience in regulation and central banking- with a number of her roles involving and leading efforts to design and implement the post-crisis regulatory framework. She brings thirty years of knowledge and understanding of financial markets to her role and has supervised some of the UK’s most systemically important firms. Sasha has also steered prudential policy internationally for banking and insurance supervision.