The SRB approach to valuation relies on banks’ ability to provide accurate and timely information in case of resolution. A standardised data set covering the minimum data needed for valuation will help banks have their management information systems ready to deliver.
As part of its annual resolvability assessment, the SRB will evaluate the capacity of banks to collect and provide this information on a timely basis to resolution authorities and/or valuers.
Following the public consultation, the SRB has published three documents:
- The SRB Valuation Data Set instructions document, developing the SRB Valuation Data Set and establishing clear expectations in relation to data needs.
- The explanatory note aiming to provide guidance to the banks regarding their MIS capabilities to produce information that is as up to date and complete as possible and of adequate quality to carry out a fair, prudent and realistic valuation.
- A feedback statement to the consultation that addresses the main comments received on the consultation and it is published alongside the final SRB Data Set for valuation.
| 1019.2 KB
| Publishing date:
SRB Valuation Data Set_Instructions_Dec2020_Final_web
| 702.04 KB
| Publishing date:
| Decision date:
SRB Valuation Data Set Explanatory Note
2020-12-11 SRB Valuation Data Set Explanatory Note
2020-12-11 SRB Valuation Data Set Explanatory Note
| 558.07 KB
| Publishing date:
SRB Valuation Data Set_Feedback Statement_Final_web