At the SRB, we believe diversity creates excellence – more diverse staff members mean a wider range of opinions, leading to better and more robust teams.
We aspire to be an organisation in which diversity is welcomed and appreciated. Enabling diversity is vital to our institution to deliver the best possible outcome for our staff and for the Banking Union. The facets of diversity include – but are not limited to – gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, age, cultural background and disability.
The SRB supports our colleagues with disabilities to ensure that their work-related needs are accommodated to the best extent possible, and also provides help to disabled job applicants during the recruitment process.
The SRB offers a long-term career perspective and attractive working conditions, which are in line with the Staff Regulations (SR) and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities (CEOS) applicable to EU institutions. We offer a number of different contracts, as detailed below.
You will be working in a dynamic, fast-growing multicultural environment, with colleagues from across Europe. Here at the SRB you will face various challenges, explore varied opportunities and experience a people-centred working culture that gives you a voice, influence and the remit to make an impact for the benefit of EU citizens.
We value our employees, and you will have many opportunities to develop your personal and professional skills throughout your career. SRB aims at creating and maintaining a healthy work environment promoting initiatives that enable staff members to have the right balance between work and personal life.
Temporary agents
Temporary agents are for general, specialised and managerial positions. They can be classified as Administrators (AD), Assistants (AST) and Secretaries and Clerks (AST/SC):
- Administrators’ function group (AD) comprises twelve grades from AD 5 to AD 16 corresponding to managerial, conceptual and analytical as well as to linguistic and scientific duties;
- Assistants’ function group (AST) comprises eleven grades from AST 1 to AST 11 corresponding to executive and technical duties;
- Secretaries and clerks’ function group (AST/SC) comprises six grades from AST/SC1 to AST/SC6, corresponding to clerical and secretarial duties.
Temporary agents are offered a contract of three years, subject to a probation period of nine months The contract may be renewed for a further period of three years. After the second period, the contract may be renewed for an indefinite period. Legal basis:
- Staff Regulation and Conditions of Employment of other servants of the European Communities (CEOS) Article 2(f);
- Decision of the board in its plenary session of 25/03/2015 laying down general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under Article 2(f) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (SRB 25/03/2015).
Seconded national experts
Seconded National Experts (SNEs) are staff employed by a national, regional or local public administration or an inter-governmental organisation, who are seconded to the SRB so that the Agency can benefit from their high level of professional knowledge and experience. The initial period of secondment may not be less than six months or more than two years. It may be renewed up to a total period not exceeding four years. By way of exception, the duration of the secondment can be extended for another two years, reaching a maximum of 6 years.
SNEs may join the SRB through a bilateral agreement or through an open selection.
The SNE will remain employed and remunerated by their employer during the secondment. They will equally remain covered by their national social security system. The SNE’s employer shall continue to pay their salary, maintaining administrative status and be responsible for all their rights, such as social security and pension.
With the exception of cost-free SNEs, Seconded National Experts are entitled to a daily subsistence allowance and a monthly allowance, paid by the Agency, during the period of secondment.
During the secondment, SNEs are subject to confidentiality, loyalty and absence of conflict of interest obligations, as provided for in Articles 6 and 7 of the SNE Decision.
Legal Basis:
- Decision laying down Rules on Secondment to the SRB of National Experts (SNE Decision - SRB/PS/2018/16)
Each year, we offer around 20 traineeship positions through the European Commission’s Blue Book programme. These five-month placements begin in March and October, with 10 positions available for each intake. Trainees receive a monthly grant of approximately €1,476 (2024 rate) during their placement.
As an SRB trainee, you will contribute to safeguarding financial stability in Europe. It’s an opportunity to help the SRB proactively prepare for and respond to banking and financial crises, protect European taxpayers and make a meaningful difference in society.
We are looking for talented candidates from a variety of academic backgrounds, including banking, finance, resolution planning, economics or public policy, human resources, legal, communications, ICT and other related fields.
As an SRB trainee, you will:
- Collaborate with top experts in resolution planning and crisis management.
- Develop your skills in a dynamic, multicultural environment.
- Gain invaluable experience and build connections for your future.
- Become part of the vibrant Blue Book community and connect with other aspiring young professionals.
Application Process:
- Submit your application with supporting documents.
- Eligibility Check: Verified by a preselection committee.
- Virtual Blue Book: All eligible candidates are included.
- Apply for up to three traineeship positions *Look for the SRB positions*
- Selection: Interviews may be conducted. Your selection becomes final only when you will receive the placement offer.
Find more information about the Blue Book programme and the application process at the following link:
Don’t miss your chance to launch your career, grow professionally, and contribute to the financial stability of Europe.
In addition to the Blue Book Traineeship programme, the SRB offers unpaid ‘atypical’ traineeships for candidates with relevant expertise, providing an opportunity to contribute their knowledge while gaining valuable experience.
In order to ensure broader access for European citizens to engage with EU Agencies, applications from individuals who have completed over six weeks of in-service traineeships or any form of employment within European Institutions or bodies will not be accepted.
If you’re interested in this opportunity, send your application via email to SRB-Traineeships [at] (SRB-Traineeships[at]srb[dot]europa[dot]eu), including:
- Your CV and a motivation letter
- The proposed date and duration of your traineeship
- The field of expertise you are interested in
Interim staff
If necessary, the SRB may look for interim staff, in particular for young graduates in the fields of bank resolution, economics, finance, banking, business administration and those with a quantitative background.
The SRB may make use of interim agents (temporary workers) in specific circumstances, such as compensation for a vacant post, extended sickness absence coverage or maternity leave/parental leave.
An assignment can vary from half a day to six months. Please note that, according to Belgian law, an interim’s assignment cannot be longer than six months. After the six-month period, the interim worker needs to take a compulsory one-month break before he/she can start another assignment.
The interim agents are employed by a temporary work agency called Randstad and therefore, they are, and remain, contracted by Randstad while working on temporary interim assignments at the SRB’s premises in Brussels.
Interim assignments at the SRB include three different levels related to the complexity of the tasks assigned.
The three levels foresee common skills for all levels and specific different eligibility requirements, as follows:
Minimum Education Prerequisites
LEVEL II Mostly secretarial tasks |
LEVEL III Examples of positions : Assistant in the field of resolution planning, HR, Finance, etc. |
LEVEL III S Examples of positions: Assistant in the legal field |
The selected candidates will be employed as interim agents by RANDSTAD.
The RANDSTAD work contract foresees 38 hours a week with a gross monthly salary at a variable weekly tax rate between 18% and 27%, which will be deducted at source. Please contact Randstad for more info (inhouse_1230 [a] (inhouse_1230[at]randstad[dot]be)).
The RANDSTAD work contract does not foresee the provision of any other benefit (e.g. travel costs, meals, accommodation, etc.).
Work Premises
Interim agents work at the SRB premises in Brussels. Given the current restrictions ad until the general return to the office of SRB staff, interim workers on assignment at the SRB, exceptionally telework at the place of employment in Brussels. They cannot telework from abroad. | |
HOW TO APPLY FOR INTERIM with the SRB’s partners interim agencies
Should you be interested by interim opportunities, please:
- Check your eligibility against the common eligibility requirements
- Send your CV and motivation letter to RANDSTAD Interim agency (inhouse_1230 [a] (inhouse_1230[at]randstad[dot]be)) with in copy SRB-RECRUITMENT [a] (SRB-RECRUITMENT[at]srb[dot]europa[dot]eu)
The interim agency will contact the SRB and should your profile match SRB’s needs, you may be contacted by them.
For more info, please check here:
For your convenience, please see a couple of possible interim work opportunities:
ASSISTANT – Bank Resolution Planning – Level 3
PROFILE: Business administration/ economist/ lawyer
- Support the work of the resolution planning Unit;
- Support to the Team in the further development within different IRTs/ITNs, with topics such as valuation, financial stability, critical functions, MREL (Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities), PIA (Public Interest Assessment), Liquidity, FMIs (Financial Market Infrastructure), etc.
- University degree in Economics , Business Administration, Finance, Statistics, or Law;
- Knowledge about Resolution Framework, MREL (Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities), Capital requirements, SREP (Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process), Recovery Planning, EfB (SRB’s ‘Expectations for Banks’);
- Knowledge of the EU financial sector through studies or work experience;
- Knowledge of banking specific functions, like FMI (Financial Market Infrastructure), M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions), Treasury;
- Knowledge of business tools like Excel, Power Point and Word;
- Drafting skills;
- Experience with quantitative analysis techniques;
- Interest in resolution planning and policy topics;
- Excellent command of spoken and written English;
SRB, DG FISMA (Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union), DG ECFIN (Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs), EUROSTAT (Statistical Office of the European Union), ECB (European Central Bank), EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority), NRAs (National Resolution Authorities), Financial Consulting and Banks, etc.
ASSISTANT - Quantitative Economist – Level 3
PROFILE: Quantitative economist
- Support analytics work in the Financial Stability and Economic Analysis area;
- Support the Team in the further development of the Public Interest Assessment (PIA).
- University degree in Engineering or quantitative sciences (economics, math, statistics);
- Knowledge of the EU financial sector through studies or work experience;
- Knowledge of statistical and econometric software, such as Python, R, Stata, MATLAB, or EViews;
- Knowledge of Bloomberg and Reuters;
- Experience with quantitative analysis techniques;
- Excellent command of spoken and written English;
SRB, DG FISMA (Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union), DG ECFIN (Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs), EUROSTAT (Statistical Office of the European Union), ECB (European Central Bank), EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority), NRAs (National Resolution Authorities), Financial Consulting and Banks, etc..
ASSISTANT - Funding & Financing – Level 3
PROFILE: Experienced assistant for administrative, technical or training activities requiring autonomy and expertise
- Assist the help desk function towards institutions and NRAs (National Resolution Authorities ) in relation to admin contributions to the SRB;
- Support the Unit/Team in handling the administration (database, quality checks, translations, etc.) of the annual ex-ante contributions cycle (e.g. IPC agreements, Irrevocable Payment Commitments).
- Bachelor/Master degree;
- Excellent communication skills in English and in other languages required (FR,DE,IT);
- Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint);
- Accuracy and attention to detail while checking documents and other sources of information;
- Good organisation skills (high number of email/letters to handle);
- Ability to work in a multilingual and multicultural environment;
SRB, DG FISMA (Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union), DG ECFIN (Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs), EUROSTAT (Statistical Office of the European Union), ECB (European Central Bank), EIOPA (European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority), NRAs (National Resolution Authorities), Financial Consulting and Banks, etc.