Take part in the public consultation on the Minimum Bail-in Data Template (MBDT) package, which provides an integrated approach for implementing the SRB Bail-in Data Set Instructions and Explanatory Note published in 2020 and updated in 2022, by enhancing its definitions and providing a template to ensure structured and standardised data collection across banks under the SRB’s remit.
Once adopted, the MBDT will replace the SRB Bail-in Data Set Instructions and Explanatory Note, as it will represent the sole standard to follow to report data relevant for the operationalisation of the bail-in.
The MBDT has been designed to be used in the event of a crisis or for testing exercises during the resolution planning phase, and it includes:
A template, which provides a standard data point model for all SRB banks, integrating country-specific data points relevant for National Resolution Authorities (NRAs) when implementing bail-in at national level;
A guidance document, which provides instructions on the fields to be reported in the relatedtemplate;
A technical annex including: (i) instructions for the delivery of the data (e.g., naming convention, format); (i) a mapping between the MBDT data points and other SRB collections, to support institutions in retrieving the existing data points from their own information systems; and (iii) reporting examples;
A first set of validation rules, made available to banks in order to foster a common understanding of data quality requirements.
The consultation aims at gathering the stakeholders’ views on the following areas:
Content of the MBDT documentation;
Data point model and format;
Data collection process.
Access the consultation here.
The consultation is part of the SRB’s collaboration with the industry in order to fulfil the SRB mandate and implement the new strategy, SRM Vision 2028, which focusses on enhanced crisis readiness. It further builds on the work already carried out in the past in order to meet the objective of the legal framework that banks must be resolvable at all times – also considering lessons learned from crises in the US and Switzerland in spring 2023 and past SRB resolution cases.