What is the MBDT?
The SRB publishes the Minimum Bail-in Data Template (MBDT) documentation package.
The MBDT has been designed to facilitate the execution of the bail-in tool in the event of a crisis or for testing exercises during the resolution planning phase, and it includes:
- A template, which provides a standard data point model, integrating country-specific data points relevant for the National Resolution Authorities (NRAs) when implementing bail-in at national level;
- A guidance document, which provides instructions on the fields to be reported in the related template;
- A facilitating annex including: (i) instructions for the delivery of the data (e.g., naming convention, format); (ii) a mapping between the MBDT data fields and other SRB collections, to support institutions in retrieving the existing data fields from their own information systems; and (iii) reporting examples to clarify the most complex reporting cases;
- A first set of validation rules, made publicly available to foster a common understanding of data quality requirements. Banks falling in scope for the MBDT are requested to implement sound internal processes (including proper documentation in bail-in playbooks) in order to ensure compliance with such validation rules.
Previous SRB Minimum Bail-in Data Set
The MBDT supersedes the SRB Minimum Bail-in Data Set Instructions and Explanatory Note published in 2020 and updated in 2022. As such, the MBDT represents now the sole standard to follow to report data relevant for the operationalisation of the bail-in.
Timeline for implementation
The SRB grants to institutions in scope a 12-month period from the date of this publication to adapt to the MBDT requirements. Additional 6 months (for a total of 18 months) are granted to adapt to the following specific tables:
- The aggregate view of tab B01.00;
- The submission B of tab B02.00 (please refer to the MBDT guidance, section 1.1, paragraph 16);
- The submission B of tab B90.00;
- The data on derivatives (B03.00);
- The data on Securities Financing Transactions (B04.00).
Feedback from the public consultation
The SRB conducted a public consultation on the draft MBDT documents between 13 March 2024 and 15 May 2024. To address the main comments received during the consultation process, the SRB publishes a feedback statement alongside the final MBDT documentation. This aims at ensuring a high level of transparency concerning SRB’s development of policies and guidance.
The SRB has set up a dedicated solution for raising questions on the MBDT. The QnA process aims at providing support to institutions subject to the reporting of the MBDT. To raise a question, please follow the instructions provided in the dedicated page.
Download the MBDT documentation

Country annexes
Country-specific adjustments might be required for Banking Union Member States, due to differences in creditor hierarchies or other specificities arising from national legislation. Such adjustments are included in the MBDT Country Annexes and, when available, must be taken into consideration by institutions incorporated in a given Member State. If a country annex is not provided for a particular Member State, the MBDT guidance defines the benchmark for banks located in that Member State to ensure adequate MIS capabilities for bail-in implementation.



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