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MREL reporting update: checklist on reported liabilities and sign-off form


Banks under the SRB’s remit are asked to use a checklist when preparing the quarterly reporting on MREL/TLAC under Article 1(a) of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/763 (‘the quarterly reporting’) and to complete a sign-off form with the submission of each quarterly reporting, in order to provide additional assurance on liabilities reported as eligible for MREL.

The checklist on reported liabilities is to be used by resolution reporting officers as a guide when filling out each quarterly reporting. It lists eligibility criteria and conditions that should be met for reported liabilities to be considered MREL eligible.

The sign-off form should be signed in line with Principle 1.1 indent 5 of the SRB’s Expectations for Banks confirming that procedures and controls were put in place to ensure that the reported data in the quarterly reporting correspond to liabilities that meet the eligibility criteria in the legislation (SRMR, BRRD, CRR).

The sign-off form should be submitted to the relevant National Resolution Authority, starting with the quarterly reporting with reference date 31 December 2021.


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