First Industry Dialogue meeting
The Single Resolution Board (SRB) organised the first Industry Dialogue meeting, which took place in Brussels on 29 October 2015. It brought together over 80 stakeholders, including representatives from the European Commission, European Central Bank and European Banking Authority, National Resolution Authorities, and EU-level and national banking federations from Banking Union countries.
The meeting featured a welcome address by Dr Elke König, the Chair of the SRB, followed by presentations on resolution planning, delivered by Joanne Kellermann (SRB Board Member), and the Single Resolution Fund, delivered by Timo Löyttyniemi (SRB Board Member).
In her welcome address, the Chair highlighted that this is only the first of many opportunities the industry will have to engage with the SRB and outlined the work already underway on the tasks conferred on the SRB.
Joanne Kellermann presented the state of play on the resolution planning, highlighting the progress made by the SRB in creating a Resolution Manual. In this respect, SRB thanked the National Resolution Authorities, who have been actively involved in its creation.
Timo Löyttyniemi updated the participants on recent developments related to the Single Resolution Fund, notably the calculation and collection of ex-ante contributions to the Fund.
The SRB would like to thank all participants for their interest in the SRB and in particular their active participation in the Q&A session.
Presentations by the Board Members can be accessed here: