Public engagements

SRB Annual Press Breakfast (for media representatives only) - 9 October 2024
Meet our Chair Dominique Laboureix and Board Member Karen Braun-Munzinger, responsible for Resolution Policy & Cooperation, at the SRB's press breakfast. Get an on-the-record briefing covering a range of topics including:
- Latest developments in crisis management;
- Legislative and policy outlook;
- Latest updates from the SRM Vision 2028 strategy;
- and more.
Advance registration is obligatory. The event will be hybrid, should you not be able to make it to Brussels.
When? 9 October 2024 at 9:15 am.
- 09:15 - 09.45 - Registration / Coffee
- 09:45 - Welcome by Susan Carroll, SRB Head of Communications
- 09:50 - Speech by Dominique Laboureix, SRB Chair (on the record)
- 10:00 - Updates from Karen Braun-Muzinger, SRB Board Member (on the record)
- 10:15 - Q&A moderated by Susan Carroll (on the record)
- Followed by a networking buffet breakfast
Want to join us in person or online?
If you are an accredited journalist (yellow badge), you should register below indicating your presence either onsite or online. If you are not accredited, we require:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Newspaper/Media
- Date of birth
- ID number
- Date of expiry
- Nationality