The SRB has announced that it will launch a consultation process on the 2022 ex-ante contributions to the Single Resolution Fund (SRF) on 3 March 2022.
This will give banks and credit institutions required to pay annual contributions to the SRF the opportunity to view the SRB’s preliminary decision on their calculation prior to its adoption and to comment on aspects pertinent to the calculation exercise. Any comments received by the SRB in this context will be carefully considered in order to complete the decision-making process.
What are the banks and other financial institutions being consulted on?
They are being invited to comment on the preliminary findings of the SRB for the calculation of ex-ante contributions to the SRF for 2022.
When are they being asked to comment?
Via the link to EU Survey[1] that you can access from 3 March 2022 in the morning to 17 March 2022 18:00 CET.
Institutions will access the EU Survey via the password they received in the SRB Kick-off letter sent in September 2021.
What will happen to these comments?
They will be carefully examined and taken into account in the decision-making process for calculation of the 2022 ex-ante contributions to the SRF.
What is the added value of the Consultation?
The consultation is aimed at providing in-scope banks input into the decision-making process for the calculation of ex-ante contributions for the current cycle, thereby enhancing the transparency and the robustness of the decision-making process in general. In this regard, banks are given the opportunity to review the preliminary decision on the calculation of the 2022 ex-ante contributions to the SRF and to submit comments via an online survey tool. These comments will be analysed by the SRB and taken into consideration for the purposes of the decision-making process.
Has the calculation method changed for 2022?
No. The calculation method has not changed from previous years.
[1] The last two versions of Microsoft Edge and the latest version of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are supported by EUSurvey. Using other browsers might cause compatibility issues.