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Personal data protection

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, such as name, date of birth, ID number, email address, telephone number, profession, signature, photograph of a person’s face, medical records, bank accounts, etc.

The SRB processes personal data in the course of delivering its resolution operations and in the context of other activities such as human resources, procurement, IT services. The SRB processes personal data in line with the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 (‘EUDPR’) and SRB Decision on implementing rules on data protection.

The SRB has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who is entrusted with the primary task of ensuring in an independent manner the application of the EUDPR within the SRB. The SRB-DPO [a] (SRB's DPO) can be contacted atdpo [a] ( )SRB-DPO [a] (SRB-DPO[at]srb[dot]europa[dot]eu) for queries or complaints regarding the protection of personal data


PDF | 137.68 KB | Publishing date: | Decision date:
Privacy Statement for the recording of the hearings held by the Appeal Panel
PDF | 150.78 KB | Publishing date:
Privacy Statement for processing of personal data related to the consultation process on the preliminary decision on the calculation of ex-ante contributions to the Single Resolution Fund