- Jonathan Hill was a speaker at the 2016 SRB Annual Conference.
Jonathan Hill is the European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. Amongst his responsibilities is ensuring that financial markets are properly regulated and supervised so that they are stable, competitive and transparent. A British national, he was a member of the British Cabinet as Leader of the House of Lords (2013–2014) and Under Secretary of State for Education (2010–2013). He was Political Secretary to Prime Minister John Major (1992–1994). Commissioner Hill, who is 55, worked in publishing before joining the Research Department of the Conservative Party in 1985. He spent a number of years in the private sector working in public relations and crisis management, and in 1998 set up his own consultancy Quiller Consultants. He took up his current position in 2014 and one of his tasks as Commissioner is to put in place the building blocks for a Capital Markets Union by 2019.