- Belén Romana was a speaker at the SRB Annual Conference 2018
Belén Romana is Non Executive Director at Santander Group, where she chairs the Audit Committee and is member of both the Risk Committee and the Technology and Innovation Committee. She is also Non Executive Director at Aviva plc. (and member of the Risk, Governance and Nominations Committees) and the Italian subsidiary (Aviva s.p.a.).
Until February 2015, she was Executive Chair of Sareb, the €50 bn. asset management company created to manage certain non performing, property and other assets of the Spanish banking system. She was also Member of the European Expert Group on Debt Redemption Fund and Eurobills (European Commission).
Former director general of the Spanish Treasury, she was member of the board of both the Bank of Spain and the Markets Regulator (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores). She has also been head of the Spanish delegation in the Financial Services, Banking Supervision and Securities Committees (European Union), as well as director general for Economic Policy at the Ministry of Economy.
She has sat on the Board of Directors of Acerinox, Banesto, AGEAS n.v., and of several state owned companies and agencies.
Former secretary general of the Círculo de Empresarios (Spanish Association of Businessmen), she has been director of strategy and corporate development at the ONO Group (Spanish cable company). She holds a degree in economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). She also undertook an internship in Germany. Finally, she has attended short programs at Harvard, Oxford and Singularity.