The SRB Blog
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Smaller banks, also known as less significant institutions (LSIs) in the Banking Union, play an important role in the financial ecosystem. They provide essential services that support local economies and communities such as payment services, deposit...
Smaller banks, also known as less significant institutions (LSIs) in the Banking Union, play an important role in the financial ecosystem. They provide essential services that support local economies and communities such as payment services, deposit...
The bail-in tool was introduced in the EU as a response to government bail-outs during the great financial crisis of 2008-2009. The concept is that, rather than the taxpayer, owners and creditors of banks bear losses and, if necessary, recapitalise the...
Banks’ trading activities can carry a substantial part of their total risk and be a channel of contagion in bank crises. A keen understanding of what’s in trading books and of how to wind them down post resolution while staying solvent is key for a...
The EU has put in place robust rules for bank supervision and crisis management, including a strong resolution framework. We’ve seen these pay off, in terms of how the European banking sector has coped with a series of crises. The rules also ensured the...