2022 individual annual contributions
- Institutions were consulted on the preliminary determinations of the 2022 individual annual contributions between 22 June and 7 July 2022;
- The individual Contribution Notices were issued on 2 September 2022. The deadline for payment is 7 October 2022;
- 2,237 entities and groups have been notified about their 2022 individual annual contributions;
- The total amount of annual contributions to be raised for financial year 2022 is equal to EUR 75 million;
- The amounts raised by way of advance instalments have been deducted from the concerned institutions’ individual annual contributions.
More information
- Reader guide: Annex A - Overview of calculation results
- 2022 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- The data privacy statement of the data collected for the 2022 process
2022 advance instalments on administrative contributions
- Institutions were consulted on the preliminary determinations of the advance instalments between 10 January and 23 January 2022. A total of 10 institutions submitted comments;
- The individual Contribution Notices were issued on 16 February 2022. The deadline for payment was 23 March 2022;
- 120 entities and groups have been notified about their 2022 advance instalments;
- The total amount of 2022 advance instalments to be raised is equal to EUR 30,000,000;
The Administrative Contributions (ADMC) Portal
The SRB has developed the ADMC Portal to improve the communication with institutions regarding the contributions to the administrative expenditures of the Board.
As of the 2022 annual cycle, institutions will be requested to use the ADMC Portal to:
- Verify/update their contact details;
- Provide any comments they may have during the consultation;
- Retrieve all documents related to the administrative contributions.
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| Decision date:
How to understand the 2022 overview of calculation results
| 949.95 KB
| Publishing date:
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2022 Administrative Contributions FAQs
| 222.56 KB
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Privacy statement for Administrative Contributions (ADMC Portal)