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[Check against delivery]
Good morning, Madam Chair, honourable members, ladies and gentlemen.
Today’s hearing is our last before the end of this term. I would like to start by thanking you all sincerely for the constructive dialogue we have had...
[Check against delivery - 14 March 2024]
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I would like first to thank Ian for inviting me to speak in this forum and Jerome for hosting this event.
Tonight, I would like to give you some insights of how the SRM’s new...
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I would like first to thank Columbia for the invitation to the SRB, and to myself in particular, to speak to you today.
Today, I will share my thoughts on the initial lessons learnt after almost...
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Good morning to each of you.
Thank you for taking the time to be with us here today, whether you are joining us physically in this magnificent conference centre, or online, your participation is appreciated. I hope...
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I would like first to thank AFME for the invitation to the SRB, and to myself in particular, to speak to you tonight.
Barbara has shared her thoughts on the role of financial services...
Watch it live here.
[Check against delivery]
Good afternoon Madam Chair, honourable members, ladies and gentlemen,
I have five minutes for my opening speech, so I will dive straight in with three key points: the 2024 work programme, my first...
Good afternoon,
After “supervision” and “regulation”, let’s go to crisis management!
This afternoon I’ll address several topics in my keynote speech, before joining the panel, for what I hope will be an interesting...
[1. Introduction]
Grüss Gott and hello everyone! It is my pleasure to deliver the first keynote speech at today’s FMA supervisory conference. Let me first thank the organisers, with whom I have had excellent collaboration for many...
Good afternoon - it is just gone afternoon I think!
Well I think we have had an interesting mix of discussion and debate this morning.
First of all, a word of thanks to all those who took part in that discussion. We had a top...
Bom dia Luís, Buongiorno Andrea, dear friends, good morning.
It is wonderful to be here in Lisbon once again. I hope to give you whistle-stop tour of some of the main issues we are working on, in close cooperation...
On 25 September, Sebastiano Laviola delivered a presentation at the seminar organised by the EUI Florence School of banking and finance and the University of Naples on the lessons drawn from the recent banking crises for bank resolution policy.
See his...
Today, I have been invited to speak on the SRB’s annual report for 2022, which was published at the end of last month. There were a number of notable achievements last year, such as successfully dealing with Sberbank, at no cost...
Keynote speech at the 18th IESE Banking Sector Industry Meeting, Madrid
Thank you Mario, and thank you to Anneli for her insight into the challenges facing the supervisory side of things in the Banking Union.